How To Submit A Cannabis Sample

How to submit Medical Marijuana, Cannabis products or Industrial Hemp


  1. Fill in Chain of Custody with:

    · Type/description of sample including lot number (if applicable)
    · Amount of sample (volume or grams)
    · Number of packages, bags, containers
    · Indicate if this is a grab sample (one container) is it a composite
    · Tests requested, spell out or indicate analytical package(s)

  2. Send Request into laboratory. Laboratory will fill in Part C on the form indicating permission granted or refused.
  3. Once permission is received, the Permission-Chain of Custody is packaged with the samples and shipped to the laboratory by approved method.


Once material and the containers enter the laboratory, they cannot be returned. This is a matter of safety and regulation.

The laboratory will endeavor to keep a representative portion of untouched sample for a period of time. The laboratory has a limit on how much can be retained. The client is encouraged to review laboratory data in a timely fashion and contact the laboratory if there are questions.

The client understands that in all cases, the liability of MB Laboratories Ltd. is absolutely limited to the cost of the analysis performed.

We encourage you to contact us with any questions you may have regarding our products and services.

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